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AMARA by Annette Valente

24th of May to the 30th of June 2021

A collection of portraits celebrating the beautiful expression of traditional cultures abundant within Africa.

Annette’s artworks have been created with great respect to the traditional African aesthetic, emphasising resemblance, luminosity, self-composure, youthfulness, clarity of form and detail.

True African beauty is about taking pride in your own body and captured through ethnic traditions that emphasize how one should embrace the human form with body adornment and ornamentation.

Revealing the importance behind some of Africa's most beautiful cultures are four common themes, representing ceremonial honour, mother earth and the people as her children, honour, and portrayal of a stranger.

With large amounts of diversity being found not only across different countries but also within single countries. Each country has its own tribes, languages and cultural differences. When closely studied, seen to have many similarities; morals they uphold, their love and respect for their culture. In African society, there are a set of values such as hospitality, truth, respect for old age, covenant keeping, hard work and good character.

Over the centuries, African culture has meshed with cultures from around the world, although much of traditional African customs have remained throughout.


About the Artist

Born in 1957, Annette Valente has spent most of her life in the arts and nurturing her family.

In her youth, as an only child, she dedicated most of her time to designing fashionable clothing in the 60’s, training and performing as a professional ballerina and creating art.

From the age of 16, Annette started formal training in fine art. After school, she completed studies at the Pretoria Technical School of Art. A mother to four children, Annette then dedicated her time to bringing up her family with moments in between to paint. Later on Annette continued her passion by taking part in art classes and work-shops with established artists.

Annette’s favourite style and medium are portraiture, still life paintings and abstract landscapes, in oils and acrylic on canvas. By popular demand she has been experimenting with contemporary abstract art.

Annette only ever exhibited a collection of still life oil paintings, to the public in 2008, at the prestigious Ernst De Jongh group show at the State Theatre in Pretoria. All of her paintings were sold within a week. Ever since, through word of mouth, Annette’s artworks are sold by commission only. Annette also paints for herself, her family and the pleasure of endless hours of creativity.

AMARA is Annette Valente’s first solo exhibition.


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