PIECES OF ME - Vol. 1 by Mthetho Sono
Exhibition opens on the 1st of September and runs until the 2nd of November.
A collection of mixed media paintings, selected from various series of works that embody differing stories and styles.
Born in 96, Mthetho Sono is an emerging artist based in Cape Town. Having studied fine arts at Michaelis
School of fine arts, Mthetho’s work is mixed media, a combination of both traditional and modern expressions
of art.
Inspired by impressionism, realism and contemporary art, his work is a unique blend of form and story-telling:
similar to that of Francis Bacon, David Hackney and Zwelethu Mthethwa, Mthetho uses dynamic composition,
subjective use of colours and emotive figures to express his motives. With the human condition and social
commentary at the core of his work. He continuosuly seeks to understand and express what it means to be
human. his work covers topics such as morality, fear and mental spaces we often find ourselves in.

Architectural Studies: Paintings influenced by cubism. In the sense of trying to show the building from more
than one angle, having some walls collapsing into each other.
“In my work you'll pick up common symbols of ascending staircases, shifting/collapsing walls, open ended paths. Expressing the mental states, obstacles and at times misplacement felt by the traveler. Our journeys may not always be physical”.

Venus and I: The series aims to capture the primitive sexual nature of humans and our relentless urge to
connect or to become one with the other. The cubism style further explores and expresses the rawness of
moment as well as the harsh contrasts it may reveal within us.
“The cubism effect comes as a way of breaking down the composition and forms to their simplest and primitive states. Where bodies are simple forms that act as an expression of energies".
As the series unfolds it becomes less about the connection and starts to reveal certain states of unshared thoughts and emotions of the people involved.

Amawele: Madonna and I, is a modern recreation of the legendary painting of Raphael. A pointing popular in
Christian belief and Roman mythology about the great motherly figure Mary who gives birth to baby Jesus.
A polarising figure who’d go on to influence his people.
“In the series of Amawele it was the last painting to be made and honestly the most meaningful. The series of the brothers (represent a duality and contrast) needed a start and a creator. A womanly figure who represents woman in a strong light, spiritually and not just physically”.
